

Advice offered

RNIB transcription service

Accessible books information

Accessible books for blind and partially sighted

Sharon Cook


Writing personal experience

Elizabeth Ducie

Cosy crime/thrillers/ business for authors

All aspects of self-publishing including ISBNs and barcodes, KDP & Amazon, exclusivity versus wide availability, consignment stock versus Print on Demand, ALCS and PLR plus all aspects of running a small business as a writer.

Richard Handy

Historical fiction/ thrillers

Editing and the steps to prepare a book for publishing (you can ask him anything!)

Dawn Henderson


Self publishing on Amazon & everything related to that. Also deciding between self and trad publishing. Writing fantasy and wellbeing

Alison Huntingford

Historical fiction, founder of South Hams Authors Network

Promotional opportunities for authors

Trevor Griffiths


Writing non-fiction about emotional processing and wellbeing.

Joel Griffith

History/ biography/ travel

Writing biography or non-fiction (related to travel)

Andy Griggs


Writing travel memoirs

John McKenna and

Tony Rea

Romantic fiction

Historical fiction

Publishing with KDP and Amazon

Laurence McPartlin


Writing and publishing poetry.

E. I. Parr

Psychological drama

Self publishing and hybrid publishing, plus the balance between these and traditional publishing.

Paul Roberts

Children's fiction

Writing for children

David Sharp

Crime fiction

Hybrid publishing

Laurence Shelley


Writing travel memoirs

Ali Simpson

Romance/ mystery

General advice on how to get started on writing, particularly for older writers who want to take the plunge, but also on researching.

Simon Tozer

Devon based fiction and nonfiction

Writing about Devon

Morgana Weeks/ Wabi Sabi

Graphic novels

Graphic novel/ fantasy writing and guidance on illustrating

Anne Willingale and

Joslin Day

Historical fiction

Writing and publishing historical fiction

Abi Yardimci

Feel-good fiction/cosy crime

Social media and ways in which you can approach it as a helpful tool to build a readers' community as well as promote books and writers' news. This could extend to running an author's mailing list and offering reader magnets. Abi will share her experiences of working with social media to get rid of the sometimes daunting aspects of putting yourself online so that you can find a love for the medium as well as a manageable approach that fits in with your individual writer's lifestyle.

Writing at the Edge


Writing at the Edge is a new collective set up by Jonathan Posner, Keith Rossiter, Jason Mann and William Telford, specifically to advise new writers, help them to improve their craft and prepare for self-publishing. On the craft of writing, they’ll be offering advice on pitching an idea, opening pages to hook in a reader, plotting, building tension, dialogue and character arcs (among many other related topics). On publishing, they’ll be offering advice mainly on self-publishing and all the elements involved – such as submitting to a hybrid publisher, editing, cover design, ISBNs, formatting, proofing, uploading to Amazon / Ingram Spark and marketing.

Other stalls


Book signing stall for authors giving talks and workshops, plus box for competition entries

Art from the edge, Rogue Debby CIC, chronic illness & mental health support

Children's book exchange  "Bring one, take one!" (or put 50p in honesty box!)

  In the corridor Information only Pick up free leaflets on:

Local authors

Local wellbeing organisations/businesses